True Meaning


These are my articles written over time. Please feel free to ask questions about any post.

Whispers of the Heart: A Story of Noble Choices

In a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and whispering woods, there lived a wise old sage named Arion. Known for his tales and teachings, Arion often gathered the villagers under the shade of the ancient oak tree in the village square. One day, as the sun bathed the land in a golden glow, Arion […]

Whispers of the Heart: A Story of Noble Choices Read More »

Life Challenges,

The True Meaning: Navigating Interpretations with Clarity

Every statement, whether secular or religious, has only one true meaning or interpretation. However, people often generate multiple interpretations of the same statement, whether it is a state law, international law, or religious doctrine. This happens because they either lack the proper context and background or let their biases cloud their judgment. Consider a statement

The True Meaning: Navigating Interpretations with Clarity Read More »
