

These are my articles written over time. Please feel free to ask questions about any post.

Kavi and the Pattern of Echo Chambers

Kavi, ever the keen observer of human behavior, noticed a pervasive pattern that was subtly undermining the very fabric of society: the echo chamber dynamics. He saw that in every corner of the world, people tended to surround themselves with opinions that mirrored their own, shutting out any challenge or alternative perspective. This pattern, Kavi […]

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Critical Thinking, , , , ,

Kavi and the Pattern of Sincere Repentance

Kavi had long observed that in his community, many individuals approached their missteps and transgressions with a fleeting sense of remorse—expressions of regret that quickly faded as they slipped back into old habits. The true repentance is not merely an admission of fault but a complete turning of the heart—a profound, heartfelt commitment to change

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Life, Spirituality, , ,