Right Thinking


These are my articles written over time. Please feel free to ask questions about any post.

The Compass of Clarity: A Tale of Right Thinking

In a quiet village nestled between towering mountains and sprawling forests, there lived a young woman named Lira. Known for her insatiable curiosity, Lira often found herself wandering the cobbled paths of the village, seeking wisdom from the elders and stories from travelers. Yet, despite her thirst for knowledge, she felt burdened by confusion, as […]

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The Pitfalls of Dichotomous Thinking: Why It Is Not Right Thinking

Engaging in dichotomous thinking, also known as “black-and-white thinking,” reduces complex situations to a false duality—everything is either one extreme or the other, with no room for nuance or middle ground. While this kind of thinking may provide a simplistic sense of clarity, it often leads to flawed decision-making and adverse consequences. In contrast, true

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Critical Thinking, , , , ,

Crafting Clarity through Right Thinking

A sign of a reasonable person is their ability to understand statements accurately. Free from the heavy burden of biased thinking, they navigate the complexities of understanding with a clear mind, avoiding the pitfalls of going off track. To be a logical thinker is like going on a journey of mental improvement, like a sculptor

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Critical Thinking, Self,