Blame game


These are my articles written over time. Please feel free to ask questions about any post.

When the Wind Blows: Reflections on Responsibility and Growth

If misfortune visits your life, it is like a tree bearing the fruit of seeds you once planted. Every action is a seed, and the outcomes—whether sweet or bitter—are the natural harvest of those efforts. Yet, just as a gardener might overlook the weeds that grow in a neglected corner, the Almighty, in His infinite […]

When the Wind Blows: Reflections on Responsibility and Growth Read More »

Life Challenges,

Navigating the Seas of Self-Responsibility

We are meant to bear the consequences of our own mistakes, but often, after making an error, we look for someone else to take the blame. It’s like planting a garden with the intention of reaping its fruits, only to find ourselves pointing fingers at the rain for overwatering or the sun for not shining

Navigating the Seas of Self-Responsibility Read More »

Life Challenges,

The Inner Light: Overcoming Blame and Cultivating Growth

Blaming others for one’s failures is like always pointing fingers at shadows, never realizing the light source is within. This refusal to acknowledge personal responsibility acts like a fog, obscuring personal growth and resilience. Instead of confronting their own storms, some people prefer to shift the rain onto others, which hinders their ability to learn

The Inner Light: Overcoming Blame and Cultivating Growth Read More »

Life Challenges,