

These are my articles written over time. Please feel free to ask questions about any post.

Embrace reality: A Tale of the Two Cogs

In a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a wise old clockmaker named Ewan. His workshop was filled with ticking clocks of all shapes and sizes, each one a testament to his skill and understanding of time. But among the villagers, Ewan was known for more than just his craftsmanship—he was a storyteller, […]

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The Keeper of the New Year: A Journey of Reflection and Renewal

In a village perched on the edge of a vast and endless forest, there lived a mysterious figure known as the Keeper of the New Year. Every year on the eve of the New Year, the Keeper opened the doors of an ancient hall, inviting all villagers to embark on a unique journey of reflection

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Anchors in Time: Finding Hope Amidst Life’s Transience

Time serves as the irrefutable evidence of loss. It is like a ceaseless river, persistently flowing and eroding the banks of our memories. Just as the tide erases footprints in the sand, so do the moments we treasure get swept away by time’s current. Time is the ultimate judge, the constant witness to life’s transience.

Anchors in Time: Finding Hope Amidst Life’s Transience Read More »

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Navigating the River of Time: The Essence of Wisdom

Wisdom radiates when individuals grasp the essence of time, imperative for meticulous planning and strategic decision-making. Without this temporal consciousness, one risks navigating in the dark, crafting plans destined for failure. Across history, we observe groups and nations enmeshed in conflicts, unable to secure favorable outcomes due to their ignorance of temporal dynamics. It’s as

Navigating the River of Time: The Essence of Wisdom Read More »

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