

These are my articles written over time. Please feel free to ask questions about any post.

The Sacred Lands of Eldora: A Tale of Guardianship and Purpose

In a distant realm known as Eldora, a land of verdant valleys, rolling hills, and rivers that shimmered like threads of light, the people of Arav lived under the gentle guidance of the Great Spirit. Long ago, the Spirit entrusted Eldora to them, sanctifying it and appointing them as its spiritual keepers. Eldora was meant […]

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The Wounds We Carve: Disrespect and the Fracturing of the Spirit

Disrespecting others leads to being marked as unworthy in the sight of the Divine. When we consciously choose to show disregard for others, we are like a gardener who uproots delicate flowers, trampling on the beauty and worth of the lives around us. This act is not merely a slight against others but a wound

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The Silent Sanctuary: Burying Faults to Bloom Forgiveness

To navigate through life on a personal level, we all need a vast graveyard where we can continually bury the faults of others. This graveyard becomes a silent sanctuary, a place where grievances are laid to rest like fallen leaves enriching the soil rather than cluttering our path. Each fault we bury transforms into a

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Guarding the Heart: The Power of a Pure Soul

The simplest way to protect yourself from the harm others may intend is to ensure you harbor no ill will towards them. Picture a calm river, flowing peacefully between two villages. Each village relies on the river for life, but if one pollutes it with waste, the contamination inevitably flows downstream, affecting both. By keeping

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Life Challenges, Spirituality,

From Darkness to Light: Rediscovering Our Unpolluted Selves

Each person starts life in a state of purity and natural innocence, but as we mature, external influences lead us astray from our inherent essence. This divergence causes our minds and personalities to undergo conditioning or contamination. A conditioned mind, filled with erroneous beliefs and biased viewpoints, obstructs our ability to fully realize our potential.

From Darkness to Light: Rediscovering Our Unpolluted Selves Read More »

Self, Spirituality, ,

Rooted in Gratitude: The Power of Patience

Gratitude cultivates patience; without it, patience cannot thrive. Think of gratitude as the roots of a mighty tree. Just as roots draw nutrients from the soil, gratitude absorbs life’s small joys and nurtures a sense of contentment. Patience, like the tree’s towering trunk, stands strong and steadfast, weathering storms and droughts alike. Without the roots

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Spirituality, ,

Spiritual Sustenance: Feeding the Essence Within

Jesus Christ likened human existence to the sustenance of bread in Matthew 4:4 when he said, “Man does not live by bread alone.” This profound statement encapsulates the dual necessity of physical and spiritual nourishment in our lives. While the importance of physical sustenance is universally recognized, the significance of spiritual nourishment often remains obscured.

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Spiritual Sustenance: Feeding the Essence Within

Jesus Christ’s analogy of bread in Matthew 4:4 underscores the vital need for both physical and spiritual nourishment in human life. Neglecting spiritual sustenance leads to a weakening of character and wisdom, akin to the debilitating effects of physical starvation, emphasizing the necessity of continual deep contemplation and introspection for profound self-discovery and enlightenment. Prompts

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