Syed Suhail Ahmad, Author at Next Wisdom - Page 16 of 38

Syed Suhail Ahmad

The Tinted Glasses of Bias: How Disconnection Clouds Our Judgment

When we lose sight of our true essence, we face two significant dangers. The first is that our perception of the Almighty becomes clouded, much like trying to see a distant star through a fogged lens. In this haze, our understanding of spiritual depth and the vastness of the Almighty becomes blurred, and we are

The Tinted Glasses of Bias: How Disconnection Clouds Our Judgment Read More »

Self, , , , ,

Beyond Power: Measuring Government by the Happiness of its People

When we think of a government’s success, it’s easy to focus on the tangible symbols of power—wealth, influence, and military might. These are the towering monuments that catch the eye, like mountains rising majestically on the horizon. Yet, much like barren peaks, they offer little nourishment to the valleys below. True success in governance is

Beyond Power: Measuring Government by the Happiness of its People Read More »

Leadership, Nations, Politics, , , , ,

The Art of Difference Management: Embracing Diversity as Part of God’s Design

Imagine a world where every tree was identical in height, color, and shape, or where every flower bloomed in the same hue. Such a world might appear orderly at first glance, but it would lack the beauty and richness that diversity brings. Nature thrives in its variety—trees, flowers, and landscapes differ, contributing to the vibrant

The Art of Difference Management: Embracing Diversity as Part of God’s Design Read More »


Clear Streams of Integrity: Building a Nation of Transparency

A person who prioritizes their conscience over self-interest demonstrates a harmonious and integrated character. These individuals possess a clarity of thought that fosters a realistic perspective, much like a well-tuned compass guiding one steadily through the fog. Their thoughts resonate with realism, akin to a well-played instrument whose notes strike the right chords. This realism,

Clear Streams of Integrity: Building a Nation of Transparency Read More »

Self, ,

The Art of Acceptance: Cultivating Wisdom and Freedom

Wisdom lies in the ability to discern what truly matters, cutting through the distractions that cloud our vision. It’s the ability to discover the relevant by sorting out the irrelevant. It’s like sculpting from a block of stone—chipping away at the unnecessary until what remains is the essence of truth. In a world where everyone

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The Silent Sanctuary: Burying Faults to Bloom Forgiveness

To navigate through life on a personal level, we all need a vast graveyard where we can continually bury the faults of others. This graveyard becomes a silent sanctuary, a place where grievances are laid to rest like fallen leaves enriching the soil rather than cluttering our path. Each fault we bury transforms into a

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Guarding the Heart: The Power of a Pure Soul

The simplest way to protect yourself from the harm others may intend is to ensure you harbor no ill will towards them. Picture a calm river, flowing peacefully between two villages. Each village relies on the river for life, but if one pollutes it with waste, the contamination inevitably flows downstream, affecting both. By keeping

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Life Challenges, Spirituality,

Glass Walls, Strong Minds: How Positive Thinking Shields Us

When we reside in a house made of glass, it’s not only unwise to throw stones ourselves, but also to hire others to do so. Just because we can send someone else to target others’ homes doesn’t mean our own vulnerabilities disappear. Our glass walls remain as fragile as ever, and the act of orchestrating

Glass Walls, Strong Minds: How Positive Thinking Shields Us Read More »

Life Challenges, ,

The Steep Climb: The Pursuit of Success in a World of Inaction

Success requires effort and hard work, while failure arrives effortlessly, drawn naturally to those who remain idle. Think of success as climbing a steep mountain; every step upward demands strength, determination, and perseverance. The summit is distant, but with each stride, the view becomes clearer and the rewards greater. Failure, on the other hand, is

The Steep Climb: The Pursuit of Success in a World of Inaction Read More »

Life Challenges