
These are my articles written over time. Please feel free to ask questions about any post.

If you are speeding down a main road and suddenly a ball rolls out from a side street, it’s essential to understand that a child is likely chasing after it. Seeing the ball without anticipating the child means you are not a good driver. A truly skilled driver stops not because of the ball itself, but because they envision the child that is likely to follow. It is the driver’s quick imagination that prevents a tragic accident. The same principles that guide us in driving apply to our journey through life. When signs or events emerge in society, in your personal life, or within a particular culture or tradition, you must discern their deeper meaning. Do not be misled by surface appearances; instead, look for what lies beneath.

Just as a sailor must read the subtle shifts in the wind and the patterns of the waves to navigate safely, we must interpret the signs around us to steer our lives wisely. Focusing only on the ripples on the surface might cause us to miss the undercurrents that truly dictate our course. Similarly, a gardener must recognize that the first wilting leaf signals more than just a need for water; it might indicate a deeper issue with the soil or roots. In life, when we encounter certain events or behaviors, we should look beyond the obvious and seek to understand the underlying causes.

When encountering cultural shifts or personal challenges, don’t just respond to the immediate issues. Instead, interpret these signs as indicators of broader changes, and prepare yourself for the deeper implications. By doing so, you can navigate through life’s complexities with foresight and wisdom, just as a seasoned navigator reads the stars and the wind to find their way through uncharted waters. By addressing the real issues and understanding the deeper meanings, we can navigate our journey with greater wisdom and foresight, ultimately building the capacity to extract spiritual insights and experiences from material events around us.

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