Mastering oneself paves the way to effortlessly overcoming others.
Picture the mind as a wild horse, difficult to tame, pulling in every direction. If one can train and harness that horse, they can ride it anywhere, navigating even the most challenging terrains with ease. Just as a skilled captain can steer a ship through turbulent waters by understanding the wind and the currents, a person who understands and controls their inner world can navigate the complexities of life and emerge victorious in any external battle. When the inner tempest is calmed, no external storm can truly harm.
Imagine a garden overrun with weeds. If the gardener diligently tends to it, removing the weeds and nurturing the plants, the garden will flourish, no matter the weather. Similarly, a person who cultivates their inner peace and strength can thrive in any situation. In the same way, life’s challenges shape and strengthen those who master their inner selves, making them resilient and formidable in the face of external trials.