In the garden of formal education, the delicate flowers of self-cultivation and soul refinement often find little nourishment. Society and parents, akin to discerning gardeners, must recognize the vital essence of these concepts. They ought to seek out educational sanctuaries that act as fertile soil for such teachings. Within these sanctuaries, young minds can blossom, absorbing knowledge about the intricacies of human nature, the virtues inherent in humanity, the dignity that graces each individual, and the profound connection between our existence, the world, and the Almighty. This cultivation becomes the artistry that paints the canvas of true human beauty.
While skills like writing, reading, and problem-solving are like tools in a gardener’s shed, essential for tending to the garden’s surface, they do not penetrate the soil to uncover the essence of the self. Instead, true self-understanding often sprouts from the seeds of wisdom sown by knowledgeable parents or through the serendipitous encounters of life’s garden. However, this lack of formal education in self-cultivation leaves the garden of the soul vulnerable to weeds of confusion and thorns of uncertainty, leading to a crisis within ourselve.
Without the ability to respectfully disagree, listen, and understand differing viewpoints, we are like flowers wilting in the scorching heat, unable to thrive amidst the harsh winds of disagreement. Instead, we resort to hurling stones and casting shadows of abuse, both in the intimate confines of interpersonal relationships and on the grand stage of global politics. This lack of empathy and understanding, akin to drought-stricken earth, paves the way for conflicts and wars to erupt, leaving behind scorched landscapes and shattered souls.
In this tumultuous garden of humanity, we often overlook the delicate blossoms of human essence and the priceless jewels of human potential, allowing them to wither and fade into obscurity. Yet, if we tend to the garden of the soul with care and reverence, nurturing each delicate bud and honoring the unique fragrance of every flower, we may yet witness the magnificent tapestry of human existence unfurling in all its splendor.