There are numerous yardsticks by which people measure success, each person providing unique criteria when asked. However, determining one’s own success requires consideration of three fundamental elements:
* Establishing a profound connection with the Almighty: Recognizing oneself as a creation of the Almighty and acknowledging the Almighty as the sovereign ruler of the universes is the initial step. Success is contingent upon faithfully fulfilling the requirements of devotion and obedience, guided either by the teachings of prophets and messengers or by the innate moral compass. This relationship with the Almighty should resonate within, affirming a sense of spiritual fulfillment.
* Nurturing strong and righteous relationships with fellow beings: Success extends to maintaining harmonious and principled connections with family, parents, children, relatives, neighbors, and friends. Upholding moral rights and treating others with respect and kindness are integral aspects of this interpersonal equilibrium.
* Utilizing one’s abilities to yield positive outcomes: Success is also contingent upon leveraging the skills bestowed by the Almighty to produce tangible and beneficial results. This involves utilizing one’s capabilities to contribute positively to society and the world at large.
Ultimately, a well-balanced and successful life is achieved by aligning and harmonizing these three criteria. The guidance provided by the Almighty through various books serves as a compass, directing individuals on the path of righteousness in their relationships, spiritual connection, and endeavors.