In the Divine symphony of creation, war stands as a discordant note, a stark deviation from the Almighty’s intended masterpiece. According to the creation plan, each soul traversing the earthly realm is meant to embark on a spiritual journey, sculpting their character along virtuous lines. The Divine plan envisions the continuous refinement of one’s essence, a process of shedding negativity and embracing profound positivity in preparation for the next phase of existence.
Imagine the soul as a canvas, and the process of character building as an artist’s brush, delicately crafting the masterpiece of an individual’s spiritual evolution. In this intricate artwork, the strokes of inner peace blend seamlessly with the hues of spiritual growth. However, the canvas of the soul can only unfurl its true beauty in the serene atmosphere of peace, not amidst the chaos of violence and conflict.
When warmongers choose the path of war, it’s not merely a rebellion against human designs; it is a direct contradiction to the Divine ‘s creation plan itself. It’s akin to a painter defying the intended strokes of the masterpiece, disrupting the harmony designed by the Almighty . Opting for war becomes a profound transgression, a crime against the very essence of God’s plan.
Choosing war is like planting thorns in a garden meant to bloom with fragrant flowers. It disrupts the natural order, hindering the blossoming of the soul’s potential. The consequences are not just a divergence from human intentions; they are a defiance of Divine providence. God’s forgiveness does not extend to those who knowingly jeopardize His scheme of continuous character building.
History stands as a testament to the folly of those who have embraced war. Despite enduring significant sacrifices over decades, they find themselves distant from the coveted results. It’s as if they’ve embarked on a journey with a broken compass, unable to reach the destination envisioned through the lens of conflict.